Global Village - My Phone is my Religion | Foto © Tatjana Rudenko & Marthy Hecker
What lies behind the urge to get a “Like”? Why do we check our phones every few seconds to see if we have a new message? This is how we get the most current news, within milliseconds it is beamed to our hands. Is it the longing for human contact, or are we truly addicted to our smartphones?
My Phone is my Religion is an excerpt from the performance Global Village. The piece centers around the connection to social media and the constant evolving possibilities for social exchange through our smartphones. It’s aim is to promote dialogue on the subject.
The creation process is a result of collaborative effort of various artists. In the search for the expression the performers worked with and were inspired by elements of eurythmy, different movement styles, video art and music.
The accompanying music was produced by “The Mañana People” exclusively for this production.
20 minuten
29.02.2020 | Alfter (DE)
Youth and smartphone users
A production by NorthWest ETC ft. The Mañana People
Concept, Choreography, Performers & Costumes
Tatjana Rudenko & Marthy Hecker
Alvaro Arango & Tim Weissinger
in collaboration with Gia van den Akker & Melaine MacDonald
Supervision & Coaching
Helga Mattke, Johanna Kunetskyi & Jaschar Markazi Noubar
The Mañana People - Intro: Matchstick Man, The Mañana People - Lounge Music, The Mañana People - The Influencer Song (Bubblegum), The Mañana People - Dawgy-Tawky, The Mañana People - Meditation App, Bach - Sarande in d minor & The Mañana People - A Silly Horror Song
Ekaterina Soorsk, Tatjana Rudenko & Marthy Hecker
Videos editing
Kristina Rudenko, Marthy Hecker & Matthias Schausten
Kristina Rudenko

Tatjana Rudenko
geb. 1993 in Tallinn, Estland, ist leidenschaftliche Bewegerin und studierte Eurythmistin. In 2018 hat sie ihren Abschluss an der Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft (Alfter) erlangt und sich entschieden den Schwerpunkt ihrer Tätigkeit der Bühneneurythmie und Performance zu widmen. Das Geschichten Erzählen als Bühnengeschehen ist ihr ein zentrales und in unserem Zeitalter notwendiges Anliegen. Sie ist überzeugt, dass der Körper viel zu erzählen hat und möchte mit ihre künstlerischen Tätigkeiten den Körper durch Bewegungen sprechen lassen. Die Stimme spielt eine immer wichtigere Rolle in Ihre Arbeit. Authentischer Ausdruck und einen liebevollen Umgang mit dem Körper sind die Kriterien ihrer künstlerischen Suche und Darbietungen.

Marthy Hecker
in 2017 he received his BA of Education through the Hogeschool Leiden with his major being Docent Dans/Euritmie (dance/eurythmy teacher). For his minor he attended Eurythmeum Stuttgart. Following his 4 year studies in the Netherlands, he continued at Alanus University for one year and received a BA of Arts. Immediately afterwards he was part of the Fairytale Ensemble for one year in Stuttgart, Germany from 2018-2019. In 2019 he co-founded NorthWest ETC and began eurythmy projects at different schools for different ages. Since 2020 he has been a participant of the organizing team for the Eventeurythie.TanzFestival. Alongside his pedogogical and performing projects he has been part of the Euritmie Ensemble Nederland as a performer since the beginning of this year. The study of different styles of eurythmy, other movement arts and connecting with various artists, is a way for him to find his own style and to acquire distinctive movement approaches. For him, performance is a way of bringing questions, to work deeply with a much needed topic and to get involved in society. The constant search and the open-mindedness for inspiration is the core ideal of his work.